Pre-Field Training: Preparation Shaped by Community

A Common Mission

Imagine a group of 50 adults and kids, essentially strangers, walking through the doors of MTI on arrival day. I remember feeling insecure and nervous as I came to MTI for my pre-field training before heading overseas. “Will I be able to make friends? Will I have anything in common with these people? Can I really be myself here?” I know these questions are not unique to me; and now as a pre-field trainer, I hope to offer a smile and encouragement as I see participants arrive, knowing they are full of their own wonderings and questions about the upcoming month.

Living in community is one of the hallmarks of our pre-field training (Compass) at Mission Training International. Compass is intentionally and uniquely designed to foster connections with both fellow participants and MTI staff trainers, emphasizing togetherness throughout all four weeks. 

Similar to my own experience, participants often enter Compass as guarded strangers resistant to new relationships. However, it typically does not take long for bonds to form and this has much to do with participants’ mutual passion for sharing God’s love across borders. There is a certain safety in knowing that your way of life is not only understood, but also shared by those next to you. This potential transformation, only possible by God’s grace, has the opportunity to create a supportive environment where participants can build deep, meaningful relationships, even as they prepare to go to different parts of the world.  

Living in Deep Fellowship

Because we place such high value on community at MTI, we are very purposeful in how we structure the environment to encourage connections. Our facilities, designed with this in mind, offer personal space for families and individuals to unwind while also encouraging communal activities through shared meals, indoor and outdoor spaces for games, and common areas to sit and chat. It is often in these low-key, unstructured times where deep and valuable connections happen organically.  

In Compass, small groups and prayer cohorts provide organized opportunities for adults to connect, while interactive classroom curriculum and activities further enhance collaboration. Our children’s trainers also excel at creating safe and fun ways for children to intentionally engage with each other, using the same themes from the adult curriculum, but at their respective developmental levels. And of course, children can connect during recess.

Because MTI emphasizes whole-community training, each program includes families, singles, and couples. This diverse makeup mirrors the team dynamics participants are likely to experience on the field, helping them appreciate the unique contributions of individuals and families at different life stages. This gives plenty of opportunity for participants to understand how individuals and families each uniquely contribute to a more beautiful whole. 

Creating a healthy community requires significant time, energy, & resources, but at MTI, we believe it’s essential for developing effective cross-cultural messengers of the gospel. We are dedicated to fostering a supportive community that reflects the body of Christ, preparing participants for their mission work with resilience and grace. As participants leave the building on departure day, our prayer is that through immersing themselves in community over the past month, they have been encouraged and challenged by those around them. We pray our participants will walk out our doors ready to engage with the communities outside of MTI that God has placed them in. 


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